
Ten tips to be Happy

05 January 2025 | Kuala Lumpur

Here are ten evidence-based tips that can help to improve your happiness.

1. Accept that things are different

It’s good to think positively but it’s also important to be realistic, especially during uncertain times. Happiness levels might decrease as disruption to normal life can be emotionally difficult. If we can accept this, a lot of the pressure will be lifted. If you accept the situation you are in, you will be free to change what you do in ways that will improve how you feel.

2. Have realistic expectations about what you can do

There is a lot of pressure in life to take on more. Read more books, take on a new hobby, get fit, DIY projects, and much more. While it can be great to get things checked off your list, putting more pressure on yourself is not going to help you to be happy—not to mention the additional stress of balancing work and home-life. So, set some realistic expectations about what you will take on and don’t be too hard on yourself if it doesn’t happen.

3. Find a balance between pleasure and purpose that works for you

Happiness is best conceptualized as the flow of pleasure and purpose over time. Find a balance between activities you find both relatively more fun and relatively more fulfilling. And make sure you are considering your own wants and needs, not looking around you at what others are doing and feeling pressure from that.

4. Plan your days

The idea of no routine is an enticing one, but it is also a recipe for either not doing anything or for doing too much of one thing, like working too long. Without a plan, we take the path of least resistance. So, to get some work and/or exercise done and to find an optimal work-life balance, get into the habit of doing a few key activities at the same time each day (e.g. showering, getting ready for work and exercising).

5. Create new habits

Your brain is lazy and creates habit loops to save you from thinking too hard. Those habit loops (e.g. checking your work emails on the commute) get broken when the environment changes. Any changes to your life therefore represent a great opportunity to reboot what you do. If you have always wanted to exercise when you wake up, now is the time to start doing it.

6. Design your environment to make it easier to do what you want to

Willpower can only get you so far (and intentions hardly anywhere at all). We are more likely to change what we do in response to the cues and triggers around us than by simply urging ourselves to change. If you want to read a certain book, make a commitment to your friends that you will do so by this time next month. If you want to go for a run in the morning, create a norm by enlisting your partner or housemate. Having accountability will help to make these things stick.

7. Go outdoors (if you can)

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to happiness, there are some activities that are good for all of us. Going outdoors is one of these. Take the opportunity to get some fresh air.

8. Listen to music

Listening to music is the only activity that stimulates the whole brain. Consider getting together with a group of friends and listen to music—or, if you prefer to go at it alone, turn the volume up and get some exercise by dancing to your favorite tunes.

9. Help others

One of the most beneficial activities you can engage in is helping others. Not only do they benefit, but you do too. Helping others makes us feel better about ourselves. If you can’t help others in person,  it is still possible to donate to people or charities. Alternatively, you can also reach out to someone in your friendship group who might feel lonely, vulnerable or is going through a hard time.

10. Ask for help

Everyone needs help at some point in their life. Accepting that might only get you so far. Look to actually get that support if you require it. There is no shame in asking for help, whether from other people, networks or agencies. And remember, you are making someone else happy by asking for their help.